I have always been looking for big answers. And more and more over time, ONE answer. An understanding is what I seek. An understanding of my purpose and my destiny. It's an answer that for so long I believed was always there and I just needed to figure out the right equation. But more and more I feel that this answer isn't exactly there in front of me. An answer is something that is discovered only when there is a question. So perhaps, my "answer" is the question itself. It's as mystifying as that classic wonder of what came first - the chicken or the egg.
Understanding my destiny is understanding my past and maybe the only answer to this perplexing question that I need to understand now, is that anything, any answer is possible. Life is "survival of the fittest" paired with unpredictable "chance", creating that constant and inevitable change.
Only in considering all the possibilities will I find the right questions to ask. Maybe then I will be closer to finding the answers!
Happy New Years!